
Sven Dahlstrand på sin blogg:

Marginalia Search recently moved to a new domain and got a bit of a facelift. If you haven’t checked out this indie web search engine yet, now’s a great time to give it a try. Not sure what you’re looking for? Head over to the explore page and see what catches your eye. 👀

Ena stunden följer man Svens råd i godan ro. Nästa stund kvicknar man till, tydligen nån timma senare, efter att ha förlorat sig bland drösvis av charmiga bloggar.

Marginalia är en liten, oberoende, sökmotor som fokuserar på att indexera personliga bloggar och andra icke-kommersiella sajter. Explore-sidan som Sven tipsar om är ett slumpmässigt axplock av sajter som ingår i dess index.

Viktor Löfgren, i ett särdeles peppande stycke på Marginalias About-sida:

How long have been talking about the decrepit state of the web? How many pages of essays have been written, how long have we waited for the planets to align and the web somehow to fix itself? Seems very clear talking and writing isn’t going to fix the web. Rallies or pleas to the government isn’t going to fix the web either. Not even AI or Elon Musk is going to fix the web.

New search and discovery mechanisms stubbornly refuse to manifest almost no matter what we do, until we actually go build the things. You do not need VC funding, or a San Fransisco address, or even someone’s permission.

This is how it’s always been. Things exist on the web because someone built them. As a consequence, if you want something to exist on the web, you go build it.

Bygg. Bara bygg.